National center for infection control professionals, healthcare experts, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and consumers focused on best practices in hand hygiene and hand sanitizer products

Thursday, September 20, 2007

What is P&G thinking??? Don't they have a PR firm??

The same day that P&G was smacked down by the FDA for making false claims about its Vick's (triclosan-based) hand sanitizer, they allow some idiot to issue a press release with the following opening:

Sept 19, 2007 (Chicago) -- A new hand foam fights bacteria better and longer than commercially available alcohol gels, researchers report.

The new foam wiped out more than twice as much bacteria as a traditional hand gel, says Duane Charbonneau, PhD, a research fellow at Procter & Gamble, which is developing the product and funded the work.

The new product, which is low in alcohol, has triclosan, an antimicrobial used in toothpaste and hand creams, as its active ingredient.

When you read further, you'll notice that the study included 16 people. Wow! 16 people!! Talk about a study!!!
The story was published on Web MD and reviewed by Web MD's Louis Chang, MD.

My comments:
OK--so they're using triclosan in that the same toothpaste imported from
China that was determined to be toxic??

Hey, P&G-- We know a good crisis management advisor that would be happy to take on a 4 week gig..Her first piece of advice would be : stop issuing press releases promoting your hand sanitizer product with triclosan...(A lot of moms and other people actually read those news stories!)
Me? I'm sticking to Soapopular

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