National center for infection control professionals, healthcare experts, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and consumers focused on best practices in hand hygiene and hand sanitizer products

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

FDA Says P&G's Vick's Hand Sanitizer Makes False Claims

link above focuses on the FDA spanking P&G for mis-advertising the efficacy of their Vick's brand alcohol-free hand sanitizer--whose prime ingredient is Triclosan. ..Worth mentioning that Walgreen's is marketing this product at their cash registers.
Let's recap: In the course of evaluating various alcohol-free's, we necessarily conducted exhaustive research re: competing alcohol-free products and their respective ingredients, and the efficacy statements imbedded within various marketing materials.
We also spoke to a variety of hand hygiene experts and asked their opinion i.e. Triclosan--since this is an active ingredient in several alcohol-free products. Two of those experts, one from a leading university medical school immediately said "Don't you know that the EPA classifies Triclosan as a PCB?" Why Walgreen's hadn't bothered to find that out, is beyond me.
Here's a great link i.e. dangers of Triclosan
With that said, Benzalkonium Chloride, the active ingredient in Soapopular brand, is considered the safest of all organic compounds (organic in the scientific sense, not eco-friendly sense).

One upstart company with an "organic" hand sanitizer (whose primary ingredient is thyme extract--and per their website, is purportedly effective against a total of 6 pathogens)--- likes to suggest that BAC and Triclosan are equally 'dangerous'. That marketer's claim is no less misleading than what the FDA is accusing P&G of making in promoting Vick's hand sanitizer. Triclosan is really scary stuff.

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