National center for infection control professionals, healthcare experts, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and consumers focused on best practices in hand hygiene and hand sanitizer products

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tracy, CA School Bans Alcohol Sanitizer After 3rd Grader Lands in Hospital; School Will Now Only Allow "Soapopular Alcohol-Free" Sanitizers

Courtesy of the Tracy Press
March 17, 2010--
A Tracy, California private school has banned alcohol-based hand sanitizer after a third-grader ingested enough of the gel to land her in the hospital last week.

The West Valley Christian Academy student is fine now, but on March 9 suffered an “adverse reaction” after licking the gel off her hands, Principal Teresa Smith said.

The child was taken to the hospital from the school, at 1790 Sequoia Boulevard.

The school until last week had stocked in every classroom jugs of the germ-killing gel, which can contain up to 90 percent alcohol.

Roberto Alaniz, director of Disease Control and Prevention at the San Joaquin County public health department, said he recommends schools require children to wash their hands with soap or use non-alcoholic sanitizer to reduce risks.

As noted within this blog, there are several well-recognized 'brands' of non-alcohol sanitizers that are easily procured, thanks to update of this story since provided, the school in question procured and implemented "Soapopular" brand alcohol-free hand sanitizer

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