National center for infection control professionals, healthcare experts, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and consumers focused on best practices in hand hygiene and hand sanitizer products
Thursday, November 29, 2007
One of the smartest guys in the industry..
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Newsweek : Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizers

Another member of the choir heard from..from October 26 Newsweek Magazine, reminding us that CDC's current recommendations i.e. alcohol-based hand sanitizers were published more than a decade ago, and were intended for health care facilities (hospitals).
Newsweek points out that these products are not what they're cracked up to be, aside from causing dry and cracked hands.
Having found more than 100 articles making the same exact observations, we can only wonder who at CDC is being wined and dined by Purell's lobbyists. And also leading us to wonder why public officials in local communities continue to mimmick the same, outdated advice. Could it have anything to do with their being influenced by local Purell distributors? Or maybe its because they think that if this product (and all other alcohol-based sanitizers) is strong enough to kill industrial floor wax, it must be a great product to use to kill germs on our kids hands?
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Purell Kills Germs & Floor Wax Too!
Is that what you want to put into your, or your children's hands???
Extracts of Q&A from Pfizer's website:
Is there a problem with Purell® instant hand sanitizer staining floors?
Because alcohol is a solvent (Purell® Instant Hand Sanitizer contains 62% Ethyl Alcohol), it can dissolve floor wax and leave a dull or discolored spot if dripped on the floor. In certain situations, product may be "splashed" onto the floor from the user's hands as it is being rubbed in.
If Purell can dissolve commercial floor wax, imagine what it will do to the lipids in your skin cells.
The recommendation of the CDC is that recurrent use of alcohol based gel hand sanitizers is not recommended without adequate hand washing between uses. The reason for this is that gels leave a biofilm on skin surfaces that trap dirt and potentially pathogenic organisms. Effectiveness decreases with added use and alcohol based products are ineffective with the third use without washing your hands.
Since Purell and other alcohol gel products have no residual germ killing protection, you will pick potentially pathogenic organisms as soon as the alcohol dries. For some protection, alcohol based hand sanitizer need to be used every 5 minutes when in a dirty environment. Remember, studies have shown that with the third use, alcohol gel based products without a hand wash with soap and water are ineffective in killing re-colonized germs. Soil also inactivates the effects of alcohol.
Purell will not work in the presence organic soil (dirt or grease). This is why they tell you to wash your hands often.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Former US Secretary of Health and Human Services Speaks Out About MRSA
Thompson added, “I am deeply concerned about MRSA and equally concerned about the misinformation being shared. MRSA is easily spread through direct contact but also via shared objects and hard surfaces. I worry about a misconception that it is only contractible if you have direct contact with someone with the infection. That is simply not the case.”
Thompson continued, “What has been most frustrating in recent weeks is the lack of attention paid to proven preventative measures that are currently available. The cost in terms of both human lives and financial burden is very real and also very preventable if proper disinfection techniques are adopted by closed population institutions such as hospitals, schools and prisons..."
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Manufacturer Extends Hands--Bravo
November 8, 2007
Every day brings new reports of students becoming infected – and in some cases dying – of MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), a potentially lethal form of staph infection that’s easily acquired in public schools, universities and colleges. The most prominent symptoms include skin abscesses and/or infections.
While MRSA is more pervasive within health care facilities and attacks those with low immune systems, children and young adults in school and public environments are equally susceptible, as the bacterium is spread easily through skin-to-skin contact, open cuts, abrasions, and contact with contaminated surfaces.
On October 16, the US Center for Disease Control (CDC), reported 94,360 MRSA infections and 18,650 MRSA deaths in 2005, more than the number of AIDS-related deaths in the same year. Most experts expect that once tallied, MRSA-related statistics for 2006 and 2007 will prove to be considerably higher.
Even more disturbing, officials representing the CDC, the country’s foremost source of information for best hand hygiene practices, have acknowledged that’s it recommendations, first published in 1996 and specifically intended for health care institutions, have not been updated with regard to the use of rinse-free hand sanitizer products.
Although the CDC actually cautions against the use of alcohol-based products in particular situations, it remains steadfast by exclusively promoting alcohol-based sanitizers as the alternative to soap and water; all despite the fact that in recent years, equally effective and altogether safer, alcohol-free (non-flammable and non-toxic) hand sanitizer technologies have been developed and introduced to the market place.
Selective, and responsibly manufactured alcohol-free sanitizers have proven to be not only as efficient in killing MRSA and other common germs and viruses, but certain of these products remain effective longer, kill bacteria that alcohol cannot, and safer to use in any environment.
Most importantly, given that schools, universities, and licensed day care facilities throughout the country have been outright banning alcohol-based products due to their inherent dangers and noxious side effects, including skin irritations and risk of infection when exposed to open cuts, the current MRSA outbreak has created a dangerous conundrum for students, teachers, parents, and our communities.
The good news is that MRSA, and most other easily transmitted germs and viruses can be avoided with simple precautionary steps. The most essential include frequent hand washing with soap and water, and proper bandaging of cuts and abrasions. But when washing with soap and water isn’t readily convenient, appropriate hand sanitizing products should be applied.
Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizers -- The Popular Choice
Our product is called Soapopular®; and includes a full line of independently tested, alcohol-free, rinse-free, and fragrance free foaming hand sanitizers. First introduced to the Canadian marketplace three years ago in conformance with strict medical and food compliant guidelines, Soapopular® is FDA-registered and now available throughout the US and worldwide.
We’re passionate about the quality of our product, and we’re determined that alcohol-free is the most logical and most pragmatic hand sanitizing alternative. We‘re ready to put our resources into your hands, and offer a national proposition.
- We invite any official school administrator or licensed day care facility to contact us via our website, or our toll free hotline and receive complimentary case(s) of Soapopular® alcohol-free hand sanitizer for use throughout your organization.*
- We invite all proactive national corporations or local businesses to work with us in sponsoring the delivery of dispenser-based hand sanitizing solutions to schools in the communities that you serve.
Soapopular® is dedicated to promoting responsible hand hygiene practices and helping to eliminate the spread of MRSA. We’re determined to keep our schools and workplaces protected, and our kids safe.
Be popular by staying healthy. Contact us to learn more.
The Board of Directors
Toll Free: 888-703-7941
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